Send beacon

The "Send beacon" endpoint ( can be utilized to recreate the metric of views within a custom-built player, such as one implemented via HLS (HTTP Live Streaming), ensuring that the analytics values are accurately updated even with an external player. This is particularly useful when you want the view metrics to be counted and reflected in your own dashboard or analytics system.

When integrating a custom player into your application, you can make use of this endpoint to send a beacon request whenever a view event occurs. By sending the beacon with the appropriate parameters, you can capture and track the view event, allowing you to gather accurate metrics for your video content.

To use this endpoint effectively, you need to provide the following query parameters:

Query Parameters

typestringSpecify the type of beacon. Valid values are "view", "play", or "check".
vstringProvide the external ID of the video.
pstringSpecify the pullzone name.
ustringProvide the user ID.
referrerstringSpecify the referrer URL.
visibilitybooleanSet the visibility status of the beacon. If set to true, it indicates that the beacon is visible.

By making a GET request to this endpoint with the appropriate query parameters whenever a view event occurs in your external player, you can accurately track and record the views. This allows you to maintain consistent view metrics across your analytics systems, ensuring that your dashboard reflects the actual viewership of your video content.



  • 200: Success. The beacon request was successful.
  • 400: Bad request. Check the provided parameters or syntax.

By using the "Send beacon" endpoint effectively, you can complement the existing documentation and ensure that view metrics from your external player are properly counted and reflected in your analytics dashboard.


The Recipes section provides a collection of code examples and sample implementations to help you understand and use the API effectively. Each recipe includes commented code that explains the purpose and functionality of each line. You can refer to these recipes as a guide to implement specific features or interact with the API endpoints.

See the recipes below:

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!